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Almond Festival Valsequillo
From Saturday 07 February 2015 -  10:00am
To Sunday 08 February 2015 - 07:00pm
Hits : 1298

I never realised just how many almond terees there were growing wild in the mountains until I went up there the first time they were all in bloom.


Each valley has hundreds upon hundreds and the view is quite spectacular, especially where they grow more densly.

The villages of Tejeda and Valsequillo are two such areas though the surrounding countryside is breathtaking at any time in the year and the villages each worth visiting regardless. However when the almond trees are in full bloom each has a festival. Canarian dancing, music and dozens of stalls selling local produce and of course produce made from almonds.


First there's the festival in Tejeda and a week later the festival in Valsequillo.

Location Valsequillo, Gran Canaria