Can you tell yet what my views on bull fighting
are? Let's just say "not favourable" and give me chance to tell you why, along
with the unbiassed facts behind it all, OK - and some biassed facts too.
First, before someone tells me supporters don't call it a "sport", it's an art,
if you pay for satelite TV here in Spain, you could end up having three bull
fights a day on the Spanish "sports" channel. So, whilst Spain is one of the
countries most connected with bullfighting (along with Portugal, Mexico and
France, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Guatemala and Panama to name a few), many
Spanish councils have banned any form of bullfighting in their regions and I am
happy to say that the Canarian government has banned all forms of fiestas and
sporting events involving bulls. So, if you were looking forward to seeing a
bullfight, you won't see one here on Gran Canaria or any of the other Canary
A long time ago, I thought bullfighting involved letting a bull loose in a ring
with the "matador" who then had to dodge it using his cape whilst trying to
weaken it with a sword, eventually killing it. If that's all it was, bad enough
as that is, I could see why it is termed as a "sport". That's far from what
happens though. Here are the "unbiassed" facts with anything biassed in
First, the bull to be fought will be 3 or 4 years old. (Never older than 4 as
they grow too large and too strong).
The fight is split into "tercios" or thirds. The first involves a "picador" on
horseback (more on the horses in a while, believe me when I say they suffer) who
uses a "pica", a spear, to stab the bull in the neck, usually several small
wounds with one wound made deep. This is to weaken the bull's neck muscles and
prevent it from raising it's head too high, too often. The act of raising it's
head now would cause severe pain. (The bull is also loosing a lot of blood and
starting to weaken from this stage on).
The second "tercio" involves 5 "banderilleros", men who will come at the bull
with their capes as a distraction whilst each must place a dagger in the bulls
back. One of the reasons behind this is to liven and enrage the bull who, after
receiving a possibly fatal wound in stage 1, may have given up the will to fight.
Again, each wound inflicted with each dagger will physically weaken the bull
The third and final "tercio" involves the "matador", perhaps the best known
member of the (killing) team. Upon entering the ring, he has ten minutes in which
to kill the bull. If after this time the bull is still alive, a further five
minutes are allowed but if it's alive after this, (what's left of) it's life is
spared. Just before the 10 minute mark, the idea is for the "matador" to place
his sword between the bull's shoulder blades and sever the aorta. If this fails,
another sword is thrust behind the back of the bull's next so sever the spinal
After the first 10 minutes and as the first warning is given regarding time, the
crowd can petition the judge - by waiving white handkerchiefs in the air - to
allow the bull to live if they think it's been brave and fought well. However,
often the crowd will petition the judge for a "vuelta" once it's been killed. A
"vuelta" is a lap of honour involving a team of horses dragging the bulls carcass
around the ring.
Once the bull is down - severed aorta or spinal cord - the judge may award a
prize to the matador beginning with 1 ear for an outstanding performance, better
still 2 ears and the best, 2 ears and a tail. It's not uncommon for these to be
cut from the bull before it finally dies.
That I'm sorry to say is fact and to me, sounds horrifying. The art involved by
the matador is dodging the bull as it charges. A famous woman bullfighter in
Spain, Cristina Sanchez, is quoted as saying in the Spanish newspaper "El Mundo"
(7/20/96), she affirms bulls "never suffer, I never noticed it" and adds that she
loves animals. She says that bulls are beautiful animals "with whom I can create
an act". More: "They are brave, born to die in the ring and help create an act of
art with a person".
And here she describes her 'love' for the bull: 'After running a while and
getting over the shock of being in a bullring the animal is furious and
adrenaline is flaring fast through its blood. If it is not bled, the bull may
die. And we matadors love the bull, and don't want to see it suffer. Bulls are
the ones that make us or break us.' I should also point out that matadors in
Spain are like movie stars or pop stars everywhere else, often making guest
appearances on TV.
Oh, did I forget to tell you what happens to the bull before the fight??
Before entering the ring, the bull is often handicapped - although this is
officially illegal - by filing its horns so that it misjudges attempts to gore
the matador and by smearing vaseline into its eyes to blur its vision. The bull
might also be beaten with clubs, its ears and nostrils may be stuffed with cotton
wool, and it may even be drugged to further obstruct his senses.
Normally a veterinary surgeon, who is to be present before and during the fight,
has to declare that each bull meets the requirements regarding the health, age
and weight. However, some of these vets may be part of the bullfighting
establishment and therefore may be prone to overlook certain manipulations. Most
traditional bullfights pass through several distinct stages. Just before the
fight begins, a steel emblem of the breeder's mark is driven into the animals
back, and from its darkened quarters the bulls sent into the ring already in a
state of terror. It is let out so that it faces the sun and is dazzled by it, a
herd animal alone in strange surroundings.
Bulls will sometimes be given massive doses of sulphates (epsom salts) in their
water to induce severe diarrhoea, intestinal pain and subsequent lack of
co-ordination in the ring. The chief veterinarian at Las Ventas bullring in
Madrid has revealed that bulls from the fights have been found to have up to 25
kg of sulphates in their systems, whereas only 4 or 5 kg is considered to be a
brutally massive dose. The veterinarian also discovered that sometimes the bulls
are given drugs to sedate them before entering the ring. The sedative Combilin, a
hypnotic and tranquillizing drug, may be injected into the animals so that by the
time they are sent into the ring their senses are in complete disorder. During
transit from breeding farm to bullring, they are crushed into small transit
vehicles without food, water or space to move and many cases of bulls being dead
upon arrival (due to their necks breaking when transferred in vehicles too small
for them).
The supply of bulls for the ring is highly organized. All over Spain, there are
bull farms where animals are reared and chosen specifically for fighting. Toro de
Lidia, the fighting bull, has been bred exclusively in such farms to be used in
bullfights. A good fighting bull is worth many times more than an ordinary bull.
The best bulls are sold to the main fights, the second best to local fights, and
the "lower quality" ones often end up tortured and killed in cruel village
There are some animal welfare laws in Spain, but these are seldom enforced.
However, Bullfighting specifically excluded from such legislation. Even the EU
has declared bullfighting a protected activity under the heading of National
Culture. A law dating from 1929 stated that children under the age of fourteen
should not attend bullfights. However, in 1992 the Minister of the Interior, Jose
Luis Corcuera, presented a new law repealing this prohibition. Therefore,
children are legally desensitized to animal suffering from an early age.
More startling than that is the connection between bullfighting and the Catholic
church! Forgetting the fact that professional bullfights are held on a Sunday, a
couple of strange historical facts;
(June/96) Matador Ricardo Ortiz, from Malaga (Spain), held a corrida in support
of the restoration of the Cathedral of his home town. The whole town was invited
to the event to add their small contribution with the entrance ticket. The Major
of the city, Ms Celia Villalobos, thanked Ortiz his gesture and offered all her
support to the initiative. 11.500 people were expected to attend the corrida, 20
million pesetas, after the torture of six brave bulls. The presentation of the
benefic corrida took place in the Town Hall and the Bishopric. For every
religious festival in most cities, there are bullfights, often daily over a week
around the date in question. Most popular seems to be easter with fights
spreading daily over 10 days but all festivals are celebrated in this way, along
with "running of the bulls" and other traditions involving attaching fire and/or
fireworks to a bulls horns to start it running through the streets. Reading the
newspaper one day I found 25 major town/cities in Spain (forgetting smaller towns
and villages - hundreds of those) that were celebrating festivals with
Under WSPA's leadership, United States and European animal protection agencies
are lobbying Pope John Paul II to call for an end to religious ceremonies and
public events that incorporate violence against animals.
Anyway, the government is happy enough about it all as long as there is support
by the people for it and as long as it attracts tourists and money. All of this
being in place, no laws are on the horizon to reduce, restrict or ban
bullfighting. I leave you in this last section with some more facts I've
(January 1997) The Community of Madrid (a local government, one of the 17
existing in Spain) has given 14 million pesetas (170.700 US Dollars) to be shared
between 84 towns of this Community to promote bullfighting activities. The
donation of this money contributed by the tax-payer has been strongly criticized
by ADDA. Action, write to: Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, Presidente de la Comunidad de
Madrid, Puerta del Sol 7, 28013 Madrid (Spain) - Fax: +34 1 580 2068.
Every year, approximately 35,000 bulls are tormented and killed in bullfights in
Spain alone. Although many bullfight attendees are tourists, 90 percent of these
tourists never return to another fight after witnessing the relentless cruelty
that takes place in the ring. Spanish bulls and their many counterparts in Mexico
and other countries are victims of a savage display disguised as "art" or
"entertainment" that noted Mexican author Eduardo del Rio described as "a
stumbling block for the humanization of man." Many prominent former bullfighters
report that the bull is intentionally debilitated with tranquillizers and
laxatives, beatings to the kidneys, petroleum jelly rubbed into their eyes to
blur vision, heavy weights hung around their neck for weeks before the fight, and
confinement in darkness for hours before being released into the bright arena. A
well-known bullfight veterinarian, Dr. Manuel Sanz, reports that in 1987 more
than 90 percent of bulls killed in fights had their horns "shaved" before the
fight. Horn shaving involves sawing off several inches of the horns so the bull
misses his thrusts at the altered angle.
The bulls aren't the only victims of the intense cruelty of the arena. According
to Lyn Sherwood, publisher of an English-language bullfight magazine, horses used
in bullfights are "shot behind the ear with dope. The horses are drugged and
blindfolded and they're knocked down a lot." These horses, who are often gored,
usually have wet newspaper stuffed in their ears to impair their hearing, and
their vocal cords are often cut so their cries do not distract the crowd. Fight
promoters claim the horses are "saved" from glue factories; this means these
animals are often old, tired plow horses who end up being knocked down by bulls
weighing up to a half a ton.
Bulls today are specially bred for bullfighting. Selective breeding has enabled
ranchers to create a bull who will die in a manner most satisfying to the public.
Because the sight of a wounded bull desperately trying to retreat from the ring
would ruin the image of the "sport," bulls are bred to return to the torture
repeatedly and appear to be a wild and vicious challenge to the matador. Recent
polls of Spanish citizens show they are not particularly interested in attending
bullfights. Even bullfight promoter Sherwood admits "there's no way to morally
justify bullfighting." But tourists' money keeps bullfight profiteers in
Council's here in Spain have often found other, temporary uses for the "Plaza the
Toros" (bullfighting ring) from international tennis tournemants (Mallorca),
football (Seville) and many music concerts, so there's a future for the
buildings, let's hope there can soon be a future for more animals.
What You Can Do / Contacts
Don't go to a bull-fight and if anyone you know is considering it, pass on this
information to them.
If you are planning to visit a country that permits or encourages bullfighting,
please tell your travel agent you are opposed to animal cruelty in any form. Many
tourist resorts are building bullfight arenas as part of their "recreation"
facilities; refuse to stay at such a resort, and write a letter to the owner
explaining why you will not stay there. Instead, visit the resort town of Tossa
de Mar (which was the first town in Spain to ban bullfights and related
advertising) or the Spanish Canary Islands.
Tell others the facts about bullfighting and urge them to protest as well. When
tourists stop attending bullfights, profiteers will stop the cruelty.
For further information on the Anti Bullfighting Conference or for Press Releases
and Updates, Please contact WSPA Costa Rica at:
ABC (Anti Bullfighting Campaign) International was founded in 1993 by ADDA
(Spain) and Foundation Committee Anti Stierenvechten (CAS, The Netherlands). It's
aim is to become a source of information and updates about what is happening in
the world of bullfighting for those against it. We exchange information, campaign
strategies, materials, and organize petitions, fund-raising, demonstrations, news
letters, statistics, etc. We publish a special bulletin every three months with
updated news about bullfighting.
Write to Pepsi Cola and ask them to stop sponsoring bull fights. They are by far
the largest sponsor/advertiser in Mexico, a country where bull fighting is
rapidly expanding. Whilst they claim they don't pay for the advertising, they
sell their product in the rings and their posters are displayed to promote
PEPSI Co, Inc. (This Company is the biggest advertiser at Mexican bullrings !)
PepsiCo, Inc. 1 Pepsi Way Somers, NY 10589 U.S.A.
Other sponsor include Domecq, the Sherry Giant, Gillette & McDonalds - boycot
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